November 15, 2010

Naughty Pookie

Pookie tends to come home wasted and passes out on the kitchen table, usually with condiment bottles fallen to the wayside as he happily slumbers away. He's a big bear, so lifting him to drag him to bed is a chore. Slapping him awake seems to harsh, though I often have to smack his arm to wake him up. He then mumbles gibberish and promptly brings his head down to sleep again.
This usually occurs during my favorite sleeping hours. Me? Not happy.

Nothing compares to having to strip him down and showering him, towelling him off, then dressing him again. I don't need a child. I have a 6'3", 275lb baby of my very own. He's cuddly, loves to snuggle, and well...he's very handy to have around, let's just keep it at that! :)

He passed out on Thursday and I took pictures....I'll ask his opinion before posting, but they sure are cute/funny. Whenever I wake up before he does, I love watching his lips as he sleeps. He pouts in his sleep...

This Saturday/Sunday morning, I found him passed out again at the table. This time, I found him pouting with a smear of ketchup drying away on his face. slumbering baby...

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